Don't miss out on the 16th annual Heritage Festival of Union Co located in Maynardville. See below schedule and location for events.
Come by the Realty Executives Associates, Tammie Hill booth and register for the multiple give aways that I will have available. I will have items from several local vendors/stores in the area to give away at the festival!
Wilson Park 9:00-1:00 [Farmers Market-on grass near parking ] 10:00-4:00 [for Music…Go to Music Tab] 10:00-4:00 [Continuous demonstrations of Heritage Crafts- blacksmithing, corn milling, leather working, woodworking on a lathe, chair caning, and history talk on tanning and pioneers] 10:00-2:00 Antique Tractor Cruise-In 10:00-2:30 Antique Model A Cruise-In 10:00- [at the Gazebo] Opening by Mayor Jason Bailey and the Veterans, National Anthem by Keaton Roach 10:30-Free Shuttle Bus to Museum and Historic Snodderly House begins [runs continually until 4:00] 10:30-Egg and Spoon Race [grass near Softball Field] for children only 10:45-Soap Making demonstration at Booth 49 1:15-Feedbag Toss [grass near Softball Field] Sign up at Information Booth 1:30-Soap Making demonstration at Booth 49 2:00-Tractor Parade 2:15-Fiddle Contest begins on Gazebo Stage [Registration 11:00-1:45 at State Farm Tent] 2:15- Nail Driving [grass near Softball Field] Sign up at Information Booth 3:00-Skillet Toss [grass near Softball Field] Sign up at Information Booth All contests are FREE to enter. Farmer’s Market (near parking lot) Produce, Farm Products 10:00-1:00
Museum (3824 Maynardville Hwy 33) Open 10:00-4:00 Quilt Show 10:00-4:00 Authors Table 10:00-4:00
Art Center at Historic Snodderly House (720 Main Street) Fine Arts Show 10:00-4:00 Student Art Show 10:00-4:00 Photography is a category in the Fine Arts Show. Professional Art Exhibit 10:00-4:00