Is your house BIG enough for your needs?

Is it time for a home office?
I'm hearing several stories from friends that they are now working from home and that means either working from the kitchen table to setting on the couch all day. I had one friend that said she worked at the kitchen table while her husband worked from the couch for months until they just recently moved. Does this sound famililar? Are you needing to find a larger home? Is it time to find a home that has an office?
Things to think about when looking for a home.
So if you are needing the space to work from home or a special room for your children to do school work, then of course this will play a major roll in what size of home you will want to look at. So how big of an office area do you need? Do you want a window in that room? Can you use the 3rd bedroom for an office? Do you just need a small space that you can convert? Do you need total privacy when working?
If you find yourself needing more room, lets get together and talk. I will be glad to help you find what you and your family are needing.